Let’s Not Play
Thomas Wagensommerer (AT)
performance, 2016

May 19, 2017 / 7 PM – 8 PM
Barbara Infopoint

This piece tries to create an immersive environment that blurs the line between game and performance, while the player becomes the performer and for that reason acts as intermediary between virtual (Gameplay) and physical (Performance) realities. By observing the ongoing rise of the online phenomenon (meanwhile rather: “genre”), called “Let’s Play” that features players (meanwhile: “superstars”) playing and presenting certain computer games, this piece tries to modulate this concept in an artistic manner, while questioning the aesthetics of games, their presentation and of performance itself.

Thomas Wagensommerer (AT), studied Digital Media Technology at the University of Applied Sciences St. Poelten, Philosophy at the University of Vienna and Transdiciplinary Art (TransArts) at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Works as media artist, musician and theoretician in both installative and performative ways. Lecturer for Experimental Media at the University of Applied Sciences St. Poelten. Lecturer for theory and practice of Media Art at the Vienna University of Technology. Member of research/artistic staff at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. He lives and works in Vienna.