WRO on Tour #8
Leipziger Exhibition Grounds, Messeallee, Leipzig, Germany, Earth, Milky Way
Geo coordinates: N 51.3968 E 12.4070
screenings: December 27-30, 2017 (everyday from 7 PM in the arts&games lounge)
Leipziger Exhibition Grounds, Messeallee, Leipzig, Germany, Earth, Milky Way
Geo coordinates: N 51.3968 E 12.4070
screenings: December 27-30, 2017 (everyday from 7 PM in the arts&games lounge)
In the dawn of 2017, WRO goes on Tour to Leipzig under the slogan add rnd to chaos to the 34th Chaos Communication Congress, the self-organized yearly meeting of 15 000 hackers, activists, artists, nerds and other cultural creatures, taking part in this spectacular event. Between 27th-30th December we are going to add some vital energy and fresh insights delivered by artists of the 2017 DRAFT SYSTEMS WRO Media Art Biennale. With a elegant set of nonchalantly digitised slanscapes, halal Vocaloid choirs, Third-World-Robocop-fictions, sexual insecurities, choreographed power relations and algorithmic operations, we plan to add even more randomness to chaos.
Shota Yamauchi (JP), Tidal Wave, 2016, 8:15
Elena Artemenko (RU), Soft Power, 2016, 10:04
Víctor Hugo Portillo (SV), Robocop, 2016, 6:44
Sawako Kabuki (JP), Summer’s Puke is Winter’s Delight / Natsu No Gero Wa Huyu No Sakana, 2016, 3:00
Exchange Of The Rat (JP), My Ummah, Dawn Has Appeared [feat. Hatsune Miku], 2015, 4:29
Clément Carat (FR), Fusi Time, 2015, 5:48
Anxious To Make – Liat Berdugo (US) + Emily Martinez (US), WWWORK, 2016, 14:05
Om Bori (HU), Redundancy / Redundancia, 2015, 2:56