Total Algorithms of Partiality
Johanna Bruckner (AT)
video, 2016, 19:11

In “Total Algorithms of Partiality”, dance scores examining the potential of an altered social logistics in Hamburgʼs Hafencity are developed, during the course of which the artist looks at the current role of contemporary labour organisation and its possible course of action as it is confronted with the controversial developments in Hamburg’s Hafencity. What stance does the trade union take in relation to the complex, unstable situation in the new “ghost town” and what forms of co-operative resistance are set in motion? The moving, performing bodies in Bruckner’s work develop scores of their own algorithms – bodily codes that are alien to the monitoring system within which they are articulated. They thus create a new contemporary logistics and demand differentiated forms of current working structures.

Johanna Bruckner (DE) born in 1984 in Vienna, and is based between Hamburg and Zurich. She has studied Fine Arts, Cultural Studies and Social Anthropology in Vienna, Berlin, New York, Stockholm and Hamburg. Bruckner is interested in the conditions of labour that have been emerging in response to the technologies of communicative capitalism. Her work has been included in exhibitions internationally, most recently at the Migros Musem für Gegenwartskunst, and the Villa Croce, Museum for Contemporary Art, Genoa and Galleri Box (solo). Her work was awarded by numerous grants; most recently, she has received the Hamburg Stipendium for Fine Arts (2016). In 2017, she will be fellow at Zentrum Paul Klee. Bruckner teaches at the Zurich University of the Arts.